Thank you to everyone involved with The Primary Club of Australia, we are so grateful for the support we received to install an access ramp to our outdoor arena with their generous donation of $33050 to pay for the ramp in full. This facility will enable safe access to and from the arena for our clients and will open up new opportunities for people with mobility challenges to participate in our Senses and Fun program. The ramp is also able to be part of our riding program enabling riders to mount their horses on the arena and will in turn provide an opportunity to run concurrent sessions at the Centre.
We are located at Box Hill in Sydney and are currently seeing a rapid change with many housing developments occurring around us. While our Centre is safe from development the building works and increase in traffic will cause safety concerns as well as an increase in demand for services. The Outdoor arena is in the Centre of our property and allows us to create a safe area for programs away from our boundaries whilst building and traffic impact the Centre.
On behalf of our participants, volunteers, Committee and staff a huge thank you once again.