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Corporate Partnerships

We welcome any group

We welcome any groups of volunteers from businesses or Service Clubs to assist us with fundraising and maintenance.

Please contact our office (02) 9679 1246 if you’d like to know more or organise a day to help.  


In February the RaW ES Product Service Management team had the opportunity to help out at the Riding for Disabled Tall Timbers property at Box Hill.

Not really knowing what lay ahead, a team of 15 volunteers spent the day painting oil on the walls of the indoor riding arena, de-cobwebbing, and repairing electric fences – very tiring for us office workers.

However feeling refreshed after a BBQ lunch and with one activity left to complete all ‘our allocated tasks’ the challenge was on … to apply oil to the outdoor arena fencing.  The team spirit kicked in, we worked together and with a sense of achievement we met the challenge. From our perspective it was very satisfying to be able to see the results of our efforts.

Fortunately the weather was kind and we did not have the 40+ degree days which meant we were able to complete all our activities.

It was great to work with team mates away from the normal work environment – getting messy for a worthy cause.  The team had a great time and it is our aim to continue our involvement with Tall Timbers.  We all came away feeling a sense of achievement and we hope we have made a difference for the children starting their programs.


A big thank you to the team from PPG who came to Tall Timbers for a working bee.  A lot was accomplished including harrowing, mowing, weed clean up, bookcase repair, installation of corkboards, line marking the car park and much, much more. They also supplied a delicious morning tea and lunch for our volunteers.

Their help was much appreciated.


Through Community TeamWorks, the people of Goldman Sachs contribute their ideas and expertise to drive tangible progress in the communities where they work and live.

Thank you to the teams that come each year to Tall Timbers to help with our property maintenance and for contributing for the purchase of maintenance equipment. 

Your support and generosity is very much appreciated.  


A big thank you to the team from Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Limited who came to Tall Timbers at the end of term 3 for a Corporate Working Bee to assist with our property maintenance. 

The team also had the opportunity to see our programs in action.

Their help was very much appreciated.
