Our Programs

Leave a Bequest

Leaving a Bequest to RDA(NSW) Tall Timbers Centre.

Bequests are an important and special way that you can support people with disabilities. Perhaps you’ve wanted to make sure your family name lives on or that of a loved one is remembered for years to come, or maybe you want to assist your community in a special way.   Riding for the Disabled Association NSW Tall Timbers Centre offers an ideal way for you to leave a bequest in your Will to recognise your wishes and to be carefully managed to benefit your community. A bequest to our Association may also associate your name with the community you lived in and loved.

There are a number of different ways in which you can leave a bequest, no matter what the size, to the Riding for the Disabled Association NSW Tall Timbers Centre.

Four ways to leave a bequest:

  1. You can leave a percentage of your estate. Your bequest will change with the size of your estate, taking inflation into account and ensuring that your gift never becomes disproportionate to other parts of your will.

  2. You can leave the residue of your estate.  After meeting all your personal commitments, you can choose to leave RDA NSW Tall Timbers Centre the balance of your estate.

  3. You can leave a specific sum. You can specify the amount you wish to donate to RDA NSW Tall Timbers Centre. As this does not allow for changes to your estate, you should review your will regularly. 
  4. You can leave a specific asset or valuable possession, such as real estate, stocks or bonds, jewellery, or a work of art.

 If you have already made a Will, you can modify or add to the beneficiaries through a Codicil, a simple document that records the specific changes that you wish to make

Wording of your bequest for RDA NSW Tall Timbers Centre

The following is the suggested wording in your will if you wish to make a bequest to RDA NSW Tall Timbers Centre

“I bequeath to Riding for the Disabled (NSW) Tall Timbers Centre , a charitable institution recognised by the ATO (ABN 22 977 966 930,  CFN 12295 Charitable Fundraising ACT 1991) of Box Hill, NSW, the (fill in amount of cash, percentage or residue of estate, or asset) to be used for its  general charitable purposes. I declare that an official receipt of the Association shall be a complete discharge of my bequest. If at my death the Association has ceased to exist or amalgamated with another organisation or has changed its name my executors shall pay this legacy to the organisation which in their discretion they consider most nearly fulfils the objects of the original organisation.”

Supporting a specific project  

If you wish your bequest to be used to support a particular project you should provide a clear indication as to how you would like your legacy to be used by inserting an additional sentence. For example:  “My bequest is to be used for to be used for (
fill in the project e.g. purchase of new horses). If at the time of my death the project is no longer operating, then my bequest is to be used for the general charitable purposes of the Association.”

Legal advice

In drawing up your Will, you are strongly advised to seek proper legal advice, to ensure that your wishes will be carried out exactly as you intend and your tax liabilities are minimised. If you have not already appointed a solicitor, you may wish to consult the Law Society in your state or other such reputable directories.
