Support Us
Centre Sponsors
Support those that support RDA(NSW) Tall Timbers Centre!
These local Businesses and Supporters have come on board as a Centre Sponsor!
- BNI SNW & Penrith - BNI Business Masters
- Wayfinder Agency - All your property buying and managing needs with one agency!
- Bendigo Bank Galston
- Beyond Bank Double Donation Promotion
Please contact our office (02) 9679 1246 if you’d like to know more about becoming a Centre Sponsor and create a long term relationship to meet your Corporate Social Responsibility obligations!
Invest in a long term relationship with RDA(NSW) Tall Timbers with a 12 month commitment and receive some awesome benefits to support your staff, customers and business!
From as little as $1,250 per month you will benefit from the following:
– Hole Sponsorship and Player Tickets at the RDA(NSW) Annual Charity Golf Day – including recognition during the event.
– Horses’ Birthday Lunch tickets for a table of staff to hear about the impacts the horses have on people with a disability.
– Website and Social Media recognition with regular online promotional opportunities.
– An Annual Team Building event with the Horse Team of Tall Timbers facilitated by the Coaches including lunch.
– Recognition within our Direct Mailout “Tall Timbers Times” Newsletter three (3) times a year.
– Promotional opportunities at Networking Events.
– Many more benefits which we are welcome to discuss and deliver a bespoke Sponsorship package that suits you, your business and your community!
A big thank you to the team from Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Limited who came to Tall Timbers at the end of term 3 for a Corporate Working Bee to assist with our property maintenance.
The team also had the opportunity to see our programs in action.
Their help was very much appreciated.