Each year, Riding for the Disabled (NSW) Tall timbers Committee are asked by the Riverstone Fair to participate in the street parade to show the watching public that we are part of the local community, active and close by. We have attended this event for many years through rain, mud and plenty of sunshine. The day starts with early preparation to decorate the work Ute with banners, hay and of course, “Cuddles” our soft, cuddly huge toy pony. We are directed to the waiting area where other groups and the public get to chat and walk around until it is our turn to march. Both Karen and I spent time talking to interested parties and answering questions on what Tall Timbers does and offers, where we are and if their son or daughter could have riding lessons!!!
The parade has groups from local schools, dancing companies, sports groups, guides and different types of marching bands. Being in front or behind a marching band is one way to be noticed but can get very noisy and it is hard to hear the announcer at times. Again, we received many waves and cheers, with children pointing at “Cuddles” standing proud in his Tall Timbers’ coat on a hay bale in the back of our Ute.
This year Nicole also represented Tall Timbers at the North West Chamber of Commerce stand.