Horse Diary

Nugget’s Diary Entry

Hi everyone, 

Can you believe Easter is over already? So much has happened this year and there are many exciting things coming up so a nice rest over Easter was just what the doctor ordered!

I need to say thank you to everyone for naming me Tall Timbers HOTY for 2023! I was very surprised since I often overhear words like ‘naughty’ or ‘annoying’ when I’m the topic of conversation but really, I just like having a bit of fun. I’m a big teaser you see, like when I recently pulled a big a clump of grass out and dumped the excess dirt all over one of my new HorseSports friends. I also like trying to drive their power chairs, it’s a secret dream of mine to be a race car driver… But really, this job is awesome, I have learnt from the best and I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else, so this award is just the icing on the cake!

I’ve been here long enough now and I reckon it’s about time I started mentoring some of the newcomers. I think I’ll start with Cookie! He arrived last month, he’s about my size but yellow (I think he’s supposed to be grey, but he likes to roll) and he looks like he’s ready to start learning some of my bad habits… err… I mean how to be the best RDA pony he can be. I’ve seen him with the humans taking Shrek for a ride, he was being such a good boy walking nicely and following all of the instructions, I think I’ll have to teach him how to knock things over and eat all the toys just to mix things up a bit!

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest coach, Janelle. She has moved to Sydney all the way from Canberra! I’ve tried to help her settle in by making her laugh, sometimes I succeed but sometimes I think I might have gone too far… I have heard her say she can’t take her eyes off of me though, so I’ll just take that as a sign she loves me!

As 1st term comes to a close, I’d like to thank everyone who has turned up to get 2024 off to such a great start, I hope everyone rests up over the holidays because term 2 is going to be busy with lots of visitors and lots of work to do but I know if we all pitch in it will be bigger and better than ever!

Stay safe everyone!
Luv Always
PS. Thank you Cheryl and Rhonda and Linda for being my Horsey Fan Club Members.