
Life Member – Fran Prudames

Fran has received both the Tall Timbers Centre Volunteer of the Year award and the Pearl Batchelor Volunteer of the Year award. Both are recognition of her outstanding commitment, initiatives, and valued support. She continues to provide benefits towards all that is involved for the successful running of the RDA(NSW) Tall Timbers Centre and has continued promoting RDA(NSW) Tall Timbers Centre and RDA(NSW).

Some of the capacities Fran provides and has expanded on include:

  • Volunteer in our riding program attending each Friday and other days if required.
  • Increased her volunteer days to include the gardening program which is essential to make the Centre a pleasant place to come to.
  • Member of the Centre Committee (decision making, forward planning, event planning)
  • Fundraising (both inside and outside of the Centre)
  • Taken on more responsibility for organising and co-ordination of some fundraising events.
  • Property maintenance (working bees, cleaning)
  • Assistant at events including dressage, mounted games, catering.
  • Volunteer at BBQs at Bunnings and at other events RDA(NSW) Tall Timbers Awareness campaigner

Fran is one of the behind the scenes, quiet achievers and is proof that you do not have to be “horse mad” to become fully involved with RDA. She has been a volunteer since 2010 and soon became an active Committee member where she has input and good ideas towards the running of the Centre and promoting RDA(NSW) for the benefit of many. Fran’s past and ongoing contribution to Tall Timbers has enhanced the quality of service we can provide and assists us to keep it running smoothly. Her dedication to fundraising for our Centre takes the pressure off other areas of our budget and allows the Centre to concentrate on providing the programs and resources to our riders.

Our Centre values the support we have received from Fran and we are sure that the initiative and commitment shown by her is worthy of Life Membership.